Statutory Powers
Local Government Act 1972.
s.101 Assume a function delegated by another authority
s.111 Ensure effective discharge of council functions
s.112 Employ someone to carry out council functions
s.124 Buy or lease land for the community
s.142 Publicise council and local authority functions
s.144 Encourage tourism s.145 Provide entertainment
s.150 Raise money by precept (Council Tax)
s.175 Train councillors
s.214 Assume responsibility for a closed churchyard
s.222 Make representation at public enquiries
s.226 Acquire historical records
Sch.13 Borrow money
Sch.16 para 20 Comment upon planning applications Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953
s.4 Provide bus shelters Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976
s.19 Provide or support recreational facilities Open Spaces Act 1906
s.9 Acquire and manage any open space including valuable habitats.
s.10 Administer open space held in trust Provide lighting for any open space Commons Act 1899
s.5 Manage common land Public Health Act 1875
s.164 (see also LGA, 1972 sch. 14 para 27) Acquire and manage land for a village green Provide parks, pleasure grounds, public walks Make bylaws to prevent dog fouling or to ban dogs Public Health Act 1961
s.54 Provide a boating lake Public Health Act 1936
s.87 Maintain public toilets
s.125 Use a local water course to obtain water
s.260 Maintain a local water course The Countryside Act 1958
s.27 Erect signs for a right of way Highways Act 1980
s.30 Create a right of way
s.43 Maintain a right of way
s.96 Plant verges with trees shrubs and bulbs (with Highways Authority consent) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
s.57 Take action to relieve traffic congestion Provide Parking facilities Parish Councils Act 1957
s.1 Provide roadside seats (with Highways Authority consent)
s.3 (see also LGA 1972 Sch14, para 34) Provide lighting for footways and public places Litter Act 1983
s.5 Provide litter bins Smallholding and allotments Act 1908
s.26 Provide allotments
s.34 Acquire land for common pasture Local Government (Records) Act 1962
s.1 Make community records available to the public
s.2 Purchase records of local interest
s.4 Support local archives National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949
s.16 Make agreement with English Nature to manage council-owned land as nature reserve. The Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981
s.39 Local authorities make management agreements with landowners Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Litter (Animal Droppings) Order 1991 Must keep own land free of litter and dog faeces.
There are many other Acts and Statutes which govern the activities of Parish Councils and these are being added to every few months.